Daniel 9:24-27 – Exposing the Flaws in the False Christian Interpretation

The 9th Chapter in the Book of Daniel has been a popular item in the portfolio of Christian polemicists and missionaries.  The passage that is commonly extracted from it is Daniel 9:24-27, because it is claimed to be a prime example of a “fulfilled messianic prophecy” about the messiah of Christianity, in that it allegedly foretells his crucifixion.

Although the Book of Daniel is considered to have been written through Divine Inspiration, it is not included in the Prophets section of the Hebrew Bible. Rather, it is included in the Writings section, because Daniel was not recognized by the Men of the Great Assembly as one of the 55 Jewish prophets named in the Hebrew Bible. 

Rather than repeat any of the correct Jewish interpretations of this passage, this article refutes the common Christian interpretation of by identifying the fatal flaws in it, and demonstrating that it is based on false and deceptive procedures and information.


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